Description: The SMARTPOD is a redirected and non-gating crash cushion. The SMARTPOD utilizes a rigid dual track base frame, telescoping quad formed panels, and energy absorbing pods to absorb kinetic energy and safely contain or redirect impacting vehicles. The system is comprised of Pods, a base frame, backstop, middle support assemblies (bulkheads), a front support with delineation panel, bulkhead feet, sliding panels, two end sliding panels, and panel keeper bolts. The system has a nominal 33 1/2" height and 37 7/16" width at the front and 31 13/6" at the rear. The bulkhead width decrease in width from front to rear ensure efficient collapse upon impact and ease of refurbishment. The test level 3 system measures approximately 270 1/2" (7 Bays) in length. The SMARTPOD has anchorage configurations for Concrete foundations or existing roadways. For concrete applications a total of 38 anchors are utilized in specifically marked anchor locations.

Test Level: 3

Eligibility Letter: CC-177

System Type: Impact Attenuator and Transitions

MASH Test Number: 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34, 3-35, 3-37

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Hill & Smith

Test Article Description

Gating/Non-gating: Non-Gating

Category: Sacrificial


Eligibility Letter Link