Crash Testing and Evaluation of an Open Concrete Bridge Railing

Report Number(s): TRP-03-406b-24

Description: The TL-4 open concrete bridge rail system test installation consisted of a 39-in. tall by 132-ft long open concrete bridge rail supported by 15 concrete posts. The open concrete bridge rail was supported by 14 36-in. long by 10-in. wide rectangular posts in the interior section, and a 72-in. long by 10-in. wide rectangular end post at the upstream end of the system. All posts were 12 in. tall and spaced at 108 in. center to center. The backs of the posts were offset 2 in. from the deck edge. Vertical reinforcement in the interior section posts consisted of 12 No. 5 rebars, 6 on each face of the post, spaced at 6 in. The vertical reinforcement at the end section post consisted of 28 No. 5 rebars, 14 on each face of the post, longitudinally spaced at 5 in. Post shear reinforcement in each of the concrete posts consisted of 3 No. 4 rebar stirrups vertically spaced at 4 in.

Test Level: 4

Barrier Type: Concrete Post and Beam

MASH Test Number: 4-10, 4-11, & 4-12

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Midwest States Pooled Fund Program

Test Article Description

Material: Concrete

Mounting Type: Deck

Aesthetic: No

See Through: Yes

Retrofit: No

Combo. (Veh/Ped): No


TRP-03-406b-24 Report