Development and Test of an Optimized MASH TL-4 Concrete Bridge Rail
Report Number(s): TRP-03-415-21
Description: The bridge rail was designed with a 39-in. installation height so that it would remain crashworthy after future roadway overlays up to 3 in. thick. The barrier had a front face with a 3-degree slope (i.e., batter) away from vertical to promote vehicle stability during impacts while also providing some slope to allow for slipforming real-world installations.
Test Level: 4
MASH Test Number: 4-12
Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary
Pass/Fail: Pass
Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing
Sponsor: Nebraska Department of Transportation
Test Article Description
Height: 39"
Deck Thickness: 8"
Test Article Description
Material: Concrete
Aesthetic: No
See Through: No
Retrofit: No
Combo. (Veh/Ped): No