Long Span Structure Connection

Report Number(s): P42019-01-C

Description: The test article described in this correspondence is transition from Thrie-Beam to a bridge, or roadside concrete parapet. The as-tested system consists of 25.0 ft. (7.6 m) of 12-gauge W beam (RTM01a-02b), guard rail system and end treatment, Asymmetric W-Thrie Beam Transition (RWT02), 18.8 ft (5.7 m) of Thrie Beam, and the Proprietary 2-Tube Transition. The total as-tested system length was 62.8 ft. (19.1 m). The as-tested end treatment consisted of two (2) breakaway wooden posts, two (2) post anchor tubes, one (1) 10.4 ft. (3.2 m) long 12-gauge steel guard rail, one (1) rounded terminal, and one (1) cable assembly. At the end of the guard rail end treatment, 12-gauge W-beam is attached continued downstream. The 12-gauge W-beam consisted of five (5) 6.0 ft. (1.8 m) long W6 x 8.5 2 hold steel posts, and two (2) 13.5 ft. (4.1 m) long 12 Ga Wbeam. Posts 3 through 7 utilize 14.25” x 8” x 6” plastic offset blocks. Numbered from up to downstream, the first 6 posts were spaced at 75 in. (1905 mm) and the spacing between post 6 and 7 was 37.5 in. (952 mm). After the W-beam, the Asymmetric W-Thrie Beam Transition to the Proprietary 2-Tube Transition proprietary component begins. It consists of one (1) 87.5 in (2223 mm) long 10 Ga Asymmetric W-Thrie Beam Transition, one (1) 87.5in (2223 mm) long 12 Ga Thrie Beam Rail, one (1) double nested 162.5 in (4128 mm), 12 Ga Thrie Beam Rail, one (1) Proprietary 2-Tube Transition, one (1) 80.5 in. (2045 mm) 12 Ga Thrie Beam. Rail, and one (1) 30 in. (762 mm) Thrie Beam Terminal Connector. In the transition, there is a total of 6 posts: one (1) 6.0 ft. (1.8 m) long W6 x 8.5 2-hole steel post, two (2) 6.0 ft. (1.8 m) long W6 x 8.5 4-hole steel posts, and three (3) 7 ft. (2.1 m) long W6 x 15 4-hole steel posts. There are two types of offset blocks used on these posts. Post 8 utilizes a 19” x 8” x 6” plastic offset block and Post 9 through 13 utilize a 6” x 8” x ¼” steel HSS offset block. Posts 7 through 10 were spaced at 37.5 in. (952 mm) and posts 10-13 were spaced 18.8 in. (451 mm). The end anchorage plate on the Proprietary 2-Tube Transition proprietary component is mounted to reinforced concrete barrier. The barrier also simulated bridge barrier concrete vertical wall. The compression strength of the concrete was 3708 psi. The Proprietary 2-Tube Transition consist of an approach post anchorage plate, 2-tube chords, and end anchorage plate. The end anchorage plate is installed to the vertical wall using epoxied anchors at a height from ground of 10.8 in. (273 mm), and 45.3 in (1149 mm) measured from end of vertical wall . The Proprietary 2-Tube Transition is clasped by a double nested Thrie Beam rail on the traffic side and a Thrie Beam rail on the field side. The post anchorage plate is mounted the offset block on Post 13. The two (2) end treatment system posts were installed by auguring 2 ft. (0.6 m) diameter by 5.9 ft. (1.8 m) deep holes, inserting the posts, and backfilling and compacting the holes with AASHTO soil. Posts 3 through 5 we installed by auguring 2 ft. (0.6 m) diameter by 3.5 ft (1.1 m) deep holes. Posts 6 through 13 were installed by excavating a 2.0 ft. (0.6 m) wide by 17.2 ft. (5.2 m) long 4.5 ft. (1.4 m) deep ditch, inserting the posts, and backfilling and compacting the ditch with material meeting AASHTO M-147-B soil. The soil was compacted in 6.0 in. (152 mm) lifts using a pneumatic tamper.

Test Level: 3

Eligibility Letter: B-377

System Type: Guardrail to Concrete

MASH Test Number: 3-71, 3-72

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Northern Infrastructure Products

Test Article Description

Transition Type: Thrie Beam

Nested: No

Rubrail: No

Rubrail Nested: No

Curb Present: No

