Further Evaluation of End Terminal Adjacent to Curb: MASH Test Designation Nos. 3-30 and 3-32

Report Number(s): TRP-03-469-24

Description: The barrier system used for the test installation consisted of a MASH Sequential Kinking Terminal (MSKT) end terminal, the Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) with 12-gauge AASHTO M180 standard W-beam guardrail and W6x8.5 steel posts with timber blockouts, an MGS trailing end anchorage, and a 4-in. tall AASHTO Type C curb with soil backfill. A soil ramp was constructed on the approach to the terminal for test designation nos. 3-30 and 3-32 to ensure a consistent vehicle trajectory and orientation relative to the curb. The ramp consisted of a 67-ft long approach that tapered in height from 0 in. to 4 in. followed by a 70-ft long section of the installation that consisted of the 4-in. tall AASHTO Type C curb with soil backfill prior to the start of the end terminal system. The total system length including the soil ramp, curb, terminal, and barrier was 309 ft – 3⅝ in., and the terminal and barrier system had a total length of 174 ft – 9 15/16 in. The same system was used for test nos. CET-1 and CET-2. Material specifications, mill certifications, and certificates of conformity for the system materials are shown in Appendix B of the report.   Title: Further Evaluation of End Terminal Adjacent to Curb: MASH Test Designation Nos. 3-30 and 3-32

Test Level: 3

System Type: W-Beam Guardrail Terminal

MASH Test Number: 3-30 & 3-32

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Midwest Pooled Fund

Test Article Description

Aesthetic: No

Location: Down Stream


TRP-03-469-24 Final Report