TTI Assistant Research Scientist
Roadside Safety
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
(979) 317-2274 x42274 [email protected]
M.S., Structural Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2019
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2015
“Mr. Cakalli’s recent projects include the development of national roadside guidelines, MASH TL-3 and heavy vehicle barrier designs.”
Mr. Cakalli is an assistant research scientist at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. He is an engineer-in-training certified by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.
His recent projects include the development of national guidelines for the traversability of roadside slopes, the development of MASH TL-3 Transitions for Cast-in-Place Concrete Barriers and the development of heavy vehicle barrier designs with structurally independent foundations.
Research Interests
Finite Element Analysis, Crash Simulation, Smart Structures, Roadside Safety, Computational Mechanics, Highway Safety Design and Analysis