Sun Hee Park

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Sun Hee Park, Ph.D., E.I.T.

Associate Transporation Researcher

Infrastructure Protection Program

Tel. (979) 317-2700

[email protected] 


Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, 2020 

M.S., Civil Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea, 2013 

B.S., Civil Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011 


“Dr. Park is an emerging international scholar with notable expertise in the areas of transportation infrastructure systems, earthquake engineering, structural engineering, and structural mechanics.

Dr. Park is an Associate Transportation Researcher at TTI in the Infrastructure Protection program in the Roadside Safety and Physical Security Division since 2019. Dr. Park is a registered Engineer-in-Training in the state of Texas. She is an emerging international scholar with notable expertise in the areas of transportation infrastructure systems, earthquake engineering, structural engineering, and structural mechanics.  She has been actively involved in finite element modeling and simulation of vehicular impacts with roadside safety structures using LS-DYNA. 

Since she has started her career in TTI, she has been involved in projects funded by national wide agencies such as Roadside Safety Pool Fund and National Cooperative Highway Research Programs (NCHRP) as well as state agencies. She has been actively involved in design, analysis, and development of finite element (FE) models to conduct dynamic impact simulation and in designing full-scale crash tests of roadside safety structures, such as guardrails, bridge rail, barriers, and sidewalks in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH). Dr. Park also conducted a vehicle-to-pedestrian impact simulations using FE human body model –THUMS (Total HUman Model for Safety) model – to investigate human body injury levels depending on a vehicle impact speed. She also has experiences of collecting data and reviewing trends from a survey taken by technical representatives and agencies using Qualtrics. 

She has participated in several training workshops pertaining to LS-DYNA, CARSIM, non-linear finite element method, effective use of super computers and optimization of computer codes. 

Research Interests

Finite Element Analysis, Numerical Simulation, Finite Element Modeling, Roadside Safety Structures, Structural Design Optimization, Structural Dynamics