Dicke Safety Products DF3000P Sign Stand with 48”x48” Vinyl Roll-up Sign

Report Number(s): NA

Description: The DICKE Safety Products DF3000Psign stand isa work-zone traffic control device. The as-tested device consisted of one 48 in square vinyl roll up sign, one fiber glass cross brace assembly, one steel tube upright, and one base assembly. The as-tested device weighed approximately 25 lbs. The device had a height of 85.5 in measured to the top of the sign. The DF3000Psign stand was tested with four 25.0 lbs sand bags; one for each of its legs.

Test Level: 3

Eligibility Letter: WZ-403

MASH Test Number: 3-71, 3-72

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Dicke Safety products

Test Article Description

Mounting Height: 18.5"

Base Type: Yielding

Support Type: Perforated Square Tube

Support Size: NA

Sign Material: FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic)

Sign Type: Diamond

Sign Size: 48" X 48"

Number of Legs: 4

