TxDOT 32-inch tall T221 vertical rail to 42-inch tall SSCB Transition

Report Number(s): 0-6968-R8

Description: The T221 vertical wall to SSCB transition test installation was 75 ft long. It consisted of 30 ft of T221 vertical wall and 30 ft of SSCB, with a 15 ft long transition section between them. The entire length of the test installation consisted of steel reinforced concrete.

Test Level: 3

System Type: Concrete to Concrete

MASH Test Number: 3-20, 3-21

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Full-Scale Crash Testing

Sponsor: Texas Department of Transportation

Test Article Description

Transition Type: Concrete

Nested: NA

Rubrail: No

Rubrail Nested: NA

Height: Yet to be updated"

Curb Present: No


6968-R8 Report