The purpose of the tests reported herein was to assess the performance of the Permanent Low-Profile Barrier according to the safety-performance evaluation guidelines included in the American Associated of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, Second Edition (MASH) (1). The crash tests were performed in accordance with MASH Test Level 2 (TL-2), which requires two crash tests.
MASH Test 2-10: An 1100C vehicle weighing 2420 lb impacting the longitudinal barrier while traveling at 44 mi/h and 25 degrees.
MASH Test 2-11: A 2270P vehicle weighing 5000 lb impacting the longitudinal barrier while traveling at 44 mi/h and 25 degrees.
This report provides details on the Permanent Low-Profile Barrier, the crash tests and results, and the performance assessment of the Permanent Low-Profile Barrier for MASH TL-2 longtiduinal barrier evlauation criteria.
The Permanent Low-Profile Barrier met the performance criteria for MASH TL-2 longitudinal barriers.