Guidebook to Assist Implementation of Pinned Down Barrier (605071)

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Final Report Link: Guidebook for Use of Pinned-Down Temporary Concrete Barrier in Limited Space ApplicationsĀ 


TTI Research Supervisor:
Nauman M. Sheikh, P.E.
Associate Research Engineer
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3135
(979) 845-8955
[email protected]
Pooled Fund Technical Representative:
Kurt Brauner, P.E.
Bridge Engineer Manager
Louisiana Transportation Center
1201 Capitol Road, Suite 605G
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 379-1933
[email protected]


A pinned-down temporary concrete barrier system was developed at Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) under the Roadside Safety Research Program Pooled Fund study. This involved an extensive design and crash testing program that was carried out over various task orders, collectively leading to seven full-scale vehicle crash tests. This design and testing effort provides a pinned down temporary concrete barrier system that can be placed on concrete and asphalt, along with its transitions from free-standing to pinned, and from pinned to rigid barrier systems. Since this research was performed under many task orders that were carried out since 2007, the results of the crash tests are documented in several independent reports. This makes it difficult for a user agency to glean all the test results and develop a comprehensive design standard of an anchored barrier system.

This guidebook provides summarized information on the pinned-down barrier design, its applications on concrete and asphalt, and various transition to free-standing and rigid barriers. Key design details and test results have been summarized in this guidebook. Some general guidance on implementation of the pinned-down barrier system is also provided. References to the detailed project reports and test results have been provided to enable a reader to acquire more information if desired.

It is anticipated that this guide will promote the use of the pinned-down temporary concrete barrier system by making it easier for user agencies to develop their design standards related to restrained barrier applications.


Not applied.


None available.
