Washington State I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Barrier Gap Full-Scale Crash Testing (Supplemental) (TTI-618141, T4541-EY)

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Final Technical Report Link: Washington State I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Barrier Gap Full-Scale Crash Testing

TTI Research Supervisor:
William F. Williams, P.E.
Associate Research Engineer
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
TAMU 3135
College Station, Texas 77843-3135
(979) 317-2707
[email protected]
Pooled Fund Technical Representative:
Tim Moeckel
Roadside Safety Engineer 
Washington State Depart. of Transportation
Development Division
P.O. Box 47329 
Olympia, WA 98504-7246
(360) 704-6377
[email protected] 


Initially, WSDOT desired a crashworthy barrier gap design for the Interstate-90 (I-90) roadway location through Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State. Texas A&M Transportation Institute received a packet of information entitled “Barrier Gap- Data Package” from John Donahue (Washington DOT Design and Policy Manager). This package contained drawings and details on a proposed barrier gap to be used for this project along with information on the current barrier type used for the roadway. After the initial investigation of the barrier gap proposal, it was determined that a barrier with a large scupper design would be more likely to be found MASH compliant through crash testing. The purpose of this technical memo is to provide details of the crash tested design, report the results of a successful MASH Test 3-10 crash test and failed MASH Test 3-11 crash test. In addition, material testing of failed components is also reported herein, as well as recommendations and details for a new barrier design with improved loops in the scupper barriers are also provided.

Updated December 4, 2024